Supporting Undocumented Students

As teachers we have a moral obligation to protect our students

My school serves a diverse population. I have many students who are immigrants. Some are arrivals who were brought when they were young, others are more recent arrivals. Many have documentation, some do not. Some of those who are documented have undocumented parents. These mixed status families are among the most vulnerable members of our society. Imagine coming home from school and finding everyone you love is gone. This is the fear mixed status students carry with them everyday. Students who are afraid for themselves and their families are more distracted in our classrooms. 

Regardless of their immigration status, all of our students are our students. We have a moral obligation to serve, educate, and protect them. To that end we have begun organizing here in the South Puget Sound Region. Below you will find resources that have been shared with me and that I want to share with you. 

Resources & Links:

Tacoma Teacher Town Hall: Recently, representatives from the ACLU, Northwest Immigrants Rights Project, and Washington Dream Coalition recently addressed a public gathering of educators from across the South Sound. They offered resources and insights and took audience questions on advising students on how to deal with ICE. You can see more about the event on Twitter using #TacTownHall. 

The US Supreme Court has said that undocumented students may not be denied an education based on their immigration status. It's our job to make sure they feel safe and supported so the learning can happen.